Pupil Sickness information from Notts CC
Do I Need To Keep My Child Off School
FREE Online Training delivered by Autism Central
After school and holiday respite now held at Newark Orchard School by;
Facebook page- @bridgetogetherservice
Nottinghamshire Healthcare Healthy Family Team Information, Advice And Support
Link to Newark Family of Schools, where you will find information on activities and projects all of the schools in Newark are involved with.
You can find useful information on the parent zone website http://www.theparentzone.co.uk
Education Health & Care Hub
EHC Hub Parents Guide V1 1 (2)
Presentation EHC Virtual Forum Nov22
Home to School Travel Assistance
Please click on the link to apply for home to school travel assistance as requested. http://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/education/travel-to-schools/special-transport-needs
Notts County Council School Transport Dept are contactable on 0115 977 3493
School Meals
Are you entitled to free school meals?
Go online to register your child for school milk at https://www.coolmilk.com/
To allow a member of staff to administer medication you will need to complete the following form and return to school:
Request for School Staff to Administer Medication
School Uniform
You can now order school uniform from:
- My Clothing: Customer link http://www.myclothing.com
- K&H Sports, 19 Cartergate, Newark (telephone 01636 704331) www.kandhsports.co.uk
Health and Wellbeing
Healthy Schools – Parent/Carer Information
Healthy Family Teams Advice Line
Protecting your child against Flu – Information for Parents
A Parent’s Guide to Dealing with ‘Sexting’ What to do and how to handle it
Aiming High Equipment Loan Scheme – please see following links:
Children’s equipment – short term loan service
Travel & holidays information leaflet
Guidance for families
MERU travel chair information for parents/carers
Parent/Carer Feedback
Parent Response Summary 2022-23
Parent/Carer Comments
School has made a very difficult year a little easier to manage”
“For the first time she talks about her friends”
“Absolutely amazing”
“Jantine has been a fantastic support during both lockdowns”
“My child has gone from strength to strength”
“I can’t see anything that needs improving”
“Settled so well”
“All staff have worked exceptionally hard”
“All my emails have been dealt with quickly and thoroughly by Gemma, Marie and Alice”
“When isolating, work was emailed to me and it was easy to follow, engaged my child and there was plenty of it”
“Regular updates about what’s been happening”
“Margot was great to talk things through with and gave a lot of time on the phone to ask questions”
“Staff are approachable, easy to talk to and helpful”
“I have felt well supported at all times”
“The communication has been good and clear”
“The school have really helped him become the young man he is today”
“Answering any emails straight away with advice”
“During lockdown, Clare was brilliant especially with her daily challenges, they gave the family something to look forward to”
“The staff did the absolute best they could under the circumstances in the lockdown”
“Have understood my child and met his needs”
“Kate arranged tailored work experience and offered other help in preparation for work”
“Thankyou so much for all your help and support”
“Really happy with the school and their approaches”
“Our young person is very happy at school, she enjoys and looks forward to attending”
“Thank you for your support and my child’s continued success”
“A school with a very good team of staff”
“Very happy with this school”
“My child is extremely happy at school”
“Love what the school does and everyone is always so happy”
School Governors’ Year End Financial Statement 2023/2024 is available in the school office
Copies of the Full Governors’ minutes are available in the main office.