

For our young people working on engagement model we aim for them to be able to… 

  • anticipate what will happen to them ‘now and next’ using their concept of patterns and time.  
  • initiate a request based on their senses of what is around them based on knowing texture, shape, colour. 
  • persevere with a different strategy when the old one fails. 
  • explore their world safely and as independently as possible. 
  • realise positive and negative responses to things that they like and don’t like. 

For our young people following our main maths curriculum to be able to use and apply mathematical skills to achieve accreditation and qualifications to support them in their next steps into adulthood. 

  • To be able to recognise and use numbers in a range of real-life context e.g. shopping, addresses, quantities. 
  • For pupils to develop their concept of time so that they can apply it in the real world.  
  • For pupils to be able to follow instructions to apply measure in real life e.g. cooking, driving, predicting distances. 
  • To help them recognise, compare, sort real life objects using criteria such as shape, size and colour e.g. recycling.  
  • To use shape to support leisure activities such as Lego, jigsaws, gaming.  
  • To be able to use ordinal and prepositional concepts and vocabulary to navigate the world. 

In addition, for pupils to be able: 

  • communication and interaction in the real world with confidence.  
  • identify a problem and consider possible solutions.  
  • retain information and recall it in a useful way. 
  • hold attention to fulfil a task. 
  • confidence to apply their knowledge 
  • resilient to change and unfamiliar situations and environments. 
  • To have strategies to apply knowledge in a range of environment 
  • To be able to ask for support appropriately 
  • To use self-regulation and/or sensory strategies successfully. 

To be able to complete physical tasks using fine and gross motor skills. 


The journey through mathematics is key and underpins everything we do, to ensure this is

progressive for our students we ensure the use of resources and language is consistent across

our school and lessons are structured in similar ways, across the different learning pathways at

Newark Orchard School.


The Engagement pathway is at the start of this journey, here the focus is on developing a strong

sense of number and the recognition that maths is all around us. Pattern spotting and making is

an integral part of this as this underpins everything in mathematics. Maths in the Explorer

pathway, as with all subjects, takes place both indoors and outdoors through a wide range of

practical and “hands on” activities. Children then have the opportunities to apply and explore

these concepts through the continuous provision provided as well as through adult directed



In Primary, KS3 and beyond our lessons are carefully planned to build on previous learning with

each lesson structured into small steps with opportunities for discussion to ensure learners build

a deep understanding of the topic with the support of a 3-year rolling cycle. These small steps

are often marked with the students which ensures they receive immediate feedback and

therefore misconceptions can be easily addressed. We understand the conceptual journey is key

for the learner to deeply understand a concept and therefore we follow the concrete, pictorial,

abstract approach. We use a variety of resources specifically selected to provide motivation and

connection with our learners. These can include pictorial images and stories alongside

representations to further support understanding before moving onto the abstract mathematics

and ensuring our children are fluent and proficient in each skill. During lessons, Teachers and

Teaching Assistants support learners to help them consolidate their understanding as well as

question their thinking, encouraging them to look for connections and make generalisations.


We look to progress data when judging the impact of our mathematics curriculum as well as

Pupils’ enthusiasm, positive learning experiences and love of numbers. We track students using

The Engagement Profile and SOLAR Steps. As teachers and practitioners, we use the impact of today’s learning to inform tomorrow’s developments. Newark Orchard School aims for-

All learners to use mathematical knowledge to live as independently as possible, using math concepts to shop, socialise, travel and manage finances. These pathways will ultimately guide our pupils towards lifelong mathematical learning and in some cases accreditations and qualifications for employment. Students will see mathematics as a tool for communication and is embedded in the world we live in.

Please click on the link below for the Maths Policy


In line with the rest of the curriculum, the sequential teaching of mathematical skills is vital in order for our pupils to make progress. Please click on the links below to find the skills required at each level and how they build on one another.

Engagement through Maths

Maths Sequencing Through Solar Steps

KS4 Pathways For Maths

NOS Maths Progression FSQ

NOS Maths Progression LSC

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Newark Orchard School