Newark Orchard School is committed to ensuring our careers programme is the embedded across our curriculum for all students. This ensures the experiences and encounters have real purpose for our young people and allow them to build the skills that will help them prepare for adulthood.
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Our Careers programme is based on the key areas of:
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Each area is organised into a 6 step sequence of skills that have been carefully written to match the needs of our students. Here is an example of ‘Skills for Learning’:
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Our careers programme is reviewed every 3 years to ensure it continues to meet the changing needs of our students. The current programme was reviewed in April 2024.
We use the Gatsby Benchmarks to strategically plan and measure the impact of our careers programme through termly evaluations. These are our current evaluation scores that allow us to identify areas of strength and development:
In addition, we use pupil, parent, staff and stakeholder feedback of events to inform future planning.
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Over recent years, we have developed links with lots of local businesses to enhance our curriculum learning and provide our students with meaningful encounters with employers.
Here are the employer encounters for 2024-25:
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Our transition programme starts at Year 9 with our careers fair in October. From Year 11, we start our visits to local colleges and day services. This is based on the individual needs and interests of the students and can include vocational courses and supported internships.
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Click on the link to read the Newark Orchard School Provider Access Legislation (PAL) document:NOS PAL