

At Newark Orchard School we offer a variety of accreditation pathways to ensure ‘Individual Growth for Individual People’.

The school supports all students to reach their full potential, are prepared for adulthood and to have developed their independence skills as far as they are able to for their next stage in life.

In Key Stage 4,  AQA English, maths and science is offered for pupils working towards Entry Level 1 qualifications and up to Level 1 qualifications.

This then lays the foundation for Post 16 where students move to NCFE Functional skills in English and maths which provides the opportunity for the students to apply their skills to practical situations. Post 16, if appropriate, will follow ASDAN Life Skills Challenges based around English and maths.

ASDAN Personal and Social development compliment this and provides a range of accreditation from Entry 1 to level 1 and 2, as appropriate.

In addition to this, all students take part in vocational skills on a Wednesday morning and a Friday afternoon’ where there are opportunities to work on skills for employment based on the ASDAN Life Skills Challenge units.

The pathways offered enable our students to continue to develop their skills in English and maths whilst preparing them for adulthood.

Please see the links below for more information;

Accreditation Offer

Accreditation Results 2022 2023

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Newark Orchard School