Pupil premium Newark Orchard School
All schools are required to use the DfE template to complete and publish their pupil premium statement on their school website by 31 December.
Referring to evidence
As per the pupil premium conditions of grant, the school must draw on evidence of effective practice in the decision-making and reference this within our school’s statement.
Funding allocation and pupil eligibility figures
Where the school is required to enter the amount of funding we will receive this academic year, the school should provide an estimate based on the data available to us at the time we complete our statement. The school may amend this when allocations are updated and when pupil premium allocations for the following financial year are published.
Where the school is required to state the % of pupils eligible for pupil premium, the school should provide the most up to date figure available at the time we complete our statement.
Pupil Premuim Strategy Plan 2024 2025