Timings of the Day and Class Timetables

Timings of the School Day 

Primary Department  

8.45am-9.15am Registration/Morning Activities 

9.15am-10.00 am Lesson One

10.00-10.30am Break and Snack Time 

10.30am-11.00am Lesson Two 

11.00am-11.45am Lesson Three 

11.45am-12.45pm Lunch 

12.45pm-1.00pm Sensory Time

1.00pm- 2pm Lesson Three  

2pm-2.15pm Cognitive Break 

2.15pm-2.55pm Lesson 4

2.55 pm-3.15pm Assembly/ Getting ready for home 


Secondary and Post 16 

8.45am-9.30am Registration, Reading & Morning Activities 

9.30am- 10.30am Lesson One 

10.30am-11am Break and Snack 

11am-12.15pm Lesson Two and Three

12.15pm-1.15pm Lunch 

1.15pm-1.30pm Registration 

1.30pm-2.55pm Lesson Three and Four

2.55pm-3.15pm Reflection Time/Assembly

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Newark Orchard School