Laura Redfern
Chair of Governors
Local Authority Governor
Helen Ellison
SD & P
Co Opted Governor
Parent Governor
Karen Wharton
Parent Governor
Michele Boutin
Staff Governor
Clare Roberts
Parent Governor
Sue Stott
Co Opted Governor
Paul Roehricht
Parent Governor
Jim McEwen
Co Opted Governor
What do Governors do?
“The Governing body is effective because governors are well trained and have a good grasp of the strengths and weaknesses of the school, including comparisons with other schools, and how well different groups of pupils achieve.” OFSTED 2013
Governors are responsible for monitoring and evaluating the school’s performance. To do this they visit school regularly, attend meetings and review policies and other school documents. They also support the Head Teacher by acting as a critical friend and have a role in recruiting new staff, complaint handling and the HeadTeacher’s Performance Management. At Newark Orchard, all Governors regularly undertake specific training to improve their knowledge and skills.
The Governing Body has responsibility for:
- content of the curriculum
- deciding the aims and the curriculum policy of the school
- the care, health & safety of the children
- ensuring good maintenance of the school building and grounds
- allocating the school budget
Who are the Governors?
Newark Orchard’s Governing Body is made up of the Head Teacher and volunteers drawn from parents, staff, Local Authority and the local community. Our Governors come from a wide range of backgrounds with a diverse range of skills and expertise. Each Governor serves for a term of four years.
Governors meet once a term before full Governing Body Meetings, but also termly in 2 committees.
Strategic Planning & Pupils (SD&P)
The SD&P monitors curriculum policy and scrutinises school attainment data. The committee monitors and evaluates pupil welfare, including Child Protection and SEND and Pupil performance/progression. The committee also contributes to school improvement planning and reviews the progress of annually-set priorities.
Current members of this committee are:
Laura Redfern
Charlie Blundell
Sarah Cottam
Clare Roberts
Michele Boutin
Helen Ellison
Finance and Personnel Committee (F&P)
The F&P sets, manages and reviews the School Budget. The committee monitors and evaluates financial procedures in line with current guidelines and best practice. It also has an overview of the school’s health and safety priorities, the school fund and the school inventory. This committee has also carried out the project management of building/maintenance works around the school. This committee monitors and evaluates pupil staff welfare. It reviews pay and conditions as well as Performance Management policy. P&P ensures that all personnel matters follow best practice and are in line with UK / European law.
Current members of F&P are:
Laura Redfern
Paul Roehricht
Jim McEwen
Sue Stott
Governors Details & Register Of Interests 2023 24
Governors Details & Register Of Interests 2024 25
The full Governing Body minutes are available to read by contacting school.