Post 16

About Us

In Post 16, we have a strong focus on preparing for adulthood, following our school ethos on getting our young people as prepared for the world as they possibly can be. This is seen in our curriculum design, through functional English and maths, dedicated lifeskills lessons and opportunities to learn and engage with the community. We also focus on transition and support our students onto their next step of college, training or employment.


We have two pathways, an exam pathway and a coursework pathway. The pupils either complete functional skills, where they sit end of course assessments, or complete coursework towards ASDAN life challenge work in English and maths which both containing a strong element of applying their skills to real world experiences. They complete the ASDAN Personal and Social Development qualification, which also gives opportunities to increase life skills and independence.  We have dedicated life skills sessions where we focus on how to look after themselves (laundry, ironing etc), learn to budget, plan and cook simple meals and develop our confidence accessing the community using public transport. The pupils continue with their vocational skills and where appropriate increase their work experience to individual opportunities.


In Year 12, we introduce our students to their next possible options after they leave Newark Orchard. They visit many different venues such as Portland College, Landmarks College, Grantham College that offer education, employment and training opportunities. We also visit different employers that are affiliated with some of these colleges, such as Sam’s Place and The Archer. In Year 13, EHCP meetings are held in the Autumn term so college places can be decided and applications made and sent off. In liaison with the different colleges, we support our young people in their transition to make the process as stress free as possible.


In Post 16, students take part in yearly Team Enterprise projects where they create a business with staff support. The students are supported in the running of the business, selling their products and maintaining their budget. The profit is then used in the Summer Term to pay for a school trip that is organised by the students.

In Year 12, the students go to Portland College to take part in National Citizenship Service. Over the course of three days, the students experience a variety of outdoor activities, develop team building skills and work to support a local charity.

National Citizenship Service at Portland College

In Year 13, the students are invited to take part in a residential trip. This is a celebration of their time at Newark Orchard, but also allows us a focus on developing life skills. Before we go the students are supported to create a meal plan and devise a shopping list. The students are taken to the supermarket to get the groceries for the week and are expected to take part in the preparing, cooking and cleaning away of the meals. Other life skills such as personal care are also developed over the course of the time away.

Y13 Residential Trip

Next Steps

Most students leave Newark Orchard at 18 and make their next steps on to college or other suitable provisions. We also support our students who choose to leave at the end of KS4 and experience their Post16 provision in a new setting.

Last year 4 students left us in Yr11. One went to Lincoln College, one to Hill Holt Wood, one to Nottingham College and one to North Notts College.

We had 11 students move on from Post 16. Ten students went to Portland College and one student went to Nottingham College.

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Newark Orchard School