Newark Orchard School’s SEND Information Report
What kinds of special educational needs does the school/setting make provision for?
Newark Orchard School is a generic special school so makes provision for a diverse range of needs. We cater for pupils with profound & multiple learning needs, severe learning needs, moderate learning needs, autism and Social, Emotional Mental Health needs. We are based in a newly built state of the art building with fantastic facilities and have recently been extended in order to increase our number of pupils on roll. As part of the school we also have a specialist hub which caters for pupils with autism and behaviours which challenge.
How does the school/setting evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for pupils with special educational needs?
We continually evaluate our provision through a structured and rigorous monitoring programme. We consult with all stakeholders and pupils have a voice through a very proactive student council. Our professional development for staff ensures that we maintain the most up to date educational thinking and continually develop to meet the needs our pupils.
How will both the school/setting and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will the school/setting help me to support their learning?
All pupils have a baseline assessment on entry to the school and we have a clear, structured pathway approach to ensure we know exactly where each pupil is working and where they need to be. We currently use a system which breaks down into small step targets in order for our pupils to share in their success. We carry out formal assessments three times a year to ensure every pupil is making appropriate progress. We also value the non- academic progress that pupils make and also monitor life skills too. This progress is shared with parents/carers at annual review meetings, parents’ evenings and open afternoons.
What is the school’s approach to teaching pupils with special educational needs?
Our school’s mission statement is ‘Individual Growth for Individual People’ and everyone at Newark Orchard is totally committed to working within this ethos.
How will the curriculum and learning be matched to my child/young person’s needs?
Engagement Curriculum – for those pupils who are in Primary and Key stage three classes who are working below P4. This then feeds into the Primary/KS3 curriculum OR Engagement into adulthood.
Primary – There are curriculum maps that cover the board and balanced curriculum but the delivery is still through play based learning and small group adult led activities.
KS3 – this is subject based and involves more formalised learning.
KS4 – the pupils who are able to, have access to AQA Entry level exams for English, maths and science. All students are offered other subjects. They also take part in vocational activities.
KS5/Post 16 – NCFE Functional skills in English and maths and if appropriate, ASDAN Life Skills Challenges based around English and maths.
ASDAN Personal and Social development compliment this and provides a range of accreditation from Entry 1 to level 1 and 2, as appropriate.
In addition to this, all students take part in vocational skills on where there are opportunities to work on skills for employment based on the ASDAN Life Skills Challenge units.
How are decisions made about the type and amount of support my child/young person will receive?
The needs of each individual pupil are considered on entry to the school. When the school first consults with ICDS, we will consider if needs can be met based on their EHCP. When creating our classes, we look at the level of staffing and specialist input each child will require. We receive our funding from the Local Authority based on the needs of our pupils and this is moderated on an annual basis to ensure consistency across the county.
How will my child/young person be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?
We very much embrace the opportunities that the local community can offer our pupils and ensure that there are lots of planned activities to access the community. Each activity is risk assessed to ensure its suitability for the pupils and we take time to plan activities which enable full participation for everyone. We plan residential trips alongside this for our pupils as well as extended day trips.
What support will there be for my child/young person’s overall well-being?
The mental health and wellbeing of our pupils is paramount and we ensure that we work closely with home and other agencies to ensure this. Our staff know the pupils well and spot very quickly if something needs addressing. Pupils know who they can go to if they need help. We also work closely with CAMHS, CASY counselling and The Children’s Bereavement & Loss Centre for those pupils who require further support.
For further information please visit the Mental Health and Wellbeing page of our website.
What training have staff supporting special educational needs had and what is planned?
Staff are provided with annual training on Moving & Handling, Behaviour Management, Administering medication and regular First Aid. Our professional development is dictated by the needs of the pupils therefore we send individuals or small groups to a range of training including Emotion Coaching, Draw and Talk, counselling skills, creative curriculum, Intensive Interaction, Sensory Integration, Makaton, Safeguarding, Prevent, developing a Trauma informed school and PWS to name but a few. We ensure the training is closely linked to our school improvement plan which has our pupils at the heart of it.
What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the setting/school?
We work closely with a range of professionals such as Educational Psychologists, Speech & Language Therapists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Specialist nurses, paediatricians and CAHMS.
How will equipment and facilities to support pupils with special educational needs secured? How accessible is the school/setting?
We ensure that specialist equipment is in place for our pupils and we work closely with our Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists who advise us on this. The school is accessible to all pupils and adaptations are made when necessary.
What are the arrangements for consulting parents of pupils with special educational needs? How will be I involved in the education of my child/young person?
We have formal consultations at an annual review meeting, at parent/carer evenings and in an end of year report. Less formally we have Tapestry, home/school diaries, telephone contact, email, texting service, open afternoons and school events. We are always happy to speak with parents/carers and can arrange for you to come in and have a chat at a mutually agreed time.
What are the arrangements for consulting young people with SEND and involving them in their education?
We have a very proactive school council who consult with the leadership team and the governing body on a regular basis. We carry out pupil questionnaires on an annual basis. Our staff also know the pupils well and they have good relationships with them so any concerns can be dealt with promptly.
What do I do if I have a concern or complaint about the SEND provision made by the school/setting?
We have a complaints policy on our website which outlines how to make a complaint. We would always welcome parents/carers to contact any member of the leadership team first to see if any concerns can be sorted out as quickly as possible.
How does the governing body involve other organisations and services (e.g. health, social care, local authority support services and voluntary organisations) in the meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and supporting the families of such pupils?
The governing body works with the leadership team to ensure that the school works closely with other agencies. The policies around procedures for working with complex needs are all read and approved by the governors at monthly meetings
How does the school/setting seek to signpost organisations, services etc who can provide additional support to parents/carers/young people?
The school works in partnership with all the Newark schools and many local businesses therefore has access to extended school events across the locality. We will publish information from local support groups on our website alongside community events happening in the school holidays.
How will the school/setting prepare my child/young person to:
- Join the school/setting?
- Transfer between phases of education (e.g. early years to primary, primary to secondary etc)?
- Prepare for adulthood and independent living?
On gaining a place at the school which is allocated by ICDS, there will be a careful transition planned for each individual. We have a core offer of 2 half day visits and one whole day but this can be adapted to suit the needs of your child if necessary. The Transition Leader will liaise closely with their current school and gather relevant information from them. All transitions within school are planned carefully as they move through the school
Life skills are taught throughout the school with particular emphasis on independent living in our Key stage 4 & 5 department. We work closely with parents/carers when it’s time to move on and seek relevant advice from other agencies when looking for future placements or employment.
Where can I access further information?
Further information can be found on our school website: Visits to the school are welcomed by appointment so please feel free to telephone the school: 01636 682255
Reviewed December 2023