
Provider Access Policy


Newark Orchard School is committed to maximising the benefits for every pupil in the development of the whole school approach to careers and work related learning. We recognise the importance for all pupils. However, where appropriate, for some pupils personalised learning will require a greater focus to work related learning.

Newark Orchard’s careers curriculum is based around the Gatsby benchmarks with a clear focus on preparing for adulthood.

We aim to make an important contribution in the education of all pupils in order to make an effective transition from school to adulthood and employment.

At Newark Orchard School the curriculum is based around the skills needed to become as independent as possible and to develop a variety of skills needed to prepare them for adulthood, develop a sense of responsibility and become prepared for the working world. Newark Orchard School will prepare students to become an active member of the community.

Our Careers and Skills for Success Curriculum

Our curriculum has been written in collaboration with our Life Skills programme to develop the independence and employability skills for all of our students at an appropriate level for each individual.

Please click on the below for the pathway that details the experiences for our students:

Careers Pathway

Newark Orchard Careers Curriculum


Work experience

From Year 10, We aim for all students to engage in a level of work experience that is suitable for their needs. This may include:

  • Jobs around school, e.g. taking registers, class PA, simple admin tasks
  • Group work experience, e.g. Reach garden, Team Enterprise
  • Individual Internal placements, e.g. setting up the dining hall for lunch, supporting in classes across school, travel training mentors
  • Individual External placements in the community, e.g. working in local shops, schools, horticulture placements

In Post 16, whereby we work alongside the students to use their interests to find a suitable external placement which is supported by our dedicated Work Experience Teaching Assistant. Where possible the students use their travel training skills to get to and from their placements and they work towards an accreditation in their chosen field.

Please visit our ‘Life Skills in Practice’ page to watch the videos of our incredible students in action or click on the link below;,Life%20skills%20in%20Practice,-Life%20skills%20is

Please click on the link to read our feedback from the Careers Fair;

Provider Feedback 2023

Student Fair Feedback 2023



Travel training

Accessing the community is a crucial part of all of our student’s steps to towards adulthood, whether this is with adult support or independently. As well as being built into our everyday practise, we are fortunate to have a dedicated Independent Travel Training Co-ordinator that works alongside targeted students to develop their independence and confidence to:

  • Become familiar with the school environment and deliver messages to staff
  • Access the local community on foot
  • Accessing public transport in the local community and further afield, e.g. Nottingham, Lincoln
  • Accessing work placements independently, where possible
  • Travelling to and from school independently, where possible
  • Life skills, e.g. route planning, reading bus/train timetables, time management, money skills
  • Keeping safe and knowing what to do in a crisis, e.g. accessing safe havens, using mobile phones

The students work towards achieving their red, amber and green level awards at their own pace, under the direct supervision or shadowing of the co-ordinator.

For more information about the Gatsby Benchmarks please follow the links below:

Meeting the Gatsby Benchmark Standards


Application for Provider Access




If you are interested in supporting Newark Orchard School with our careers programme through employer meetings, mentoring or work experience, please contact our careers leader Kate Fell at

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Newark Orchard School